As 2020 draws to a close, it’s time to look back and take stock and also time to look forward and set goals. In between, it’s important to take time out to enjoy the present as well.

This has been a tough year for very many people – if the pandemic hasn’t touched you or your family, then I’m sure it’s touched someone you know and care about.

I have one aunt. She’s 89 and in a nursing home for the past few years after she fell at home. She’s been restricted to one short visit per week since March. This has been very hard on her and is the experience of many in similar situations.

I lost my job six months ago. Because I was working abroad, I don’t qualify for unemployment benefits. So I’ve been focused on getting my consulting business back up and running, learning new skills and trying new things.

Thankfully, all my family are well and most of us will be together for Christmas and I’m really looking forward to that. This will be the first year since 2010 that I have Christmas at home and not have to travel before or after.

I’m taking advantage of the year end to change direction and to focus more on what’s important to me. That means becoming more deliberate, being clearer about fulfilling my purpose. I expect to make new friends and to say goodbye to some old ones.

I am hosting my first In the Mystery Summit at the end of February 2021. This will be a super event with over one hundred great speakers talking about consciousness and awareness and the challenges of being in the world (doing business, making a living) but not of the world (having a life).

I’ll be writing more about this over the coming eight weeks so keep an eye out for that. If you’d like to be a speaker, or you can recommend someone you think I should talk to, please let me know.

Till next time, be safe, be well and be happy.